BLOG POST | January 13, 2025
By: Josh Paul
You missed it. It was the pitch you were looking for, and you missed it. A nice juicy fastball on the inner half of the plate, and you missed it. You were ahead in the count, you were looking for that exact pitch, and you missed it.
How did that happen?
Well, a parent in the stands was heckling you, and your parents began to heckle back, and your coach kept telling you exactly how to swing after every pitch, and your breathing shortened and crept into your chest, and you started to think about shutting up all the parents and your coach by hitting a bomb, and your eyes got big, and your energy ramped up, and you started your swing before the ball even left the pitcher’s hand, and you swung as hard as you possibly could with every muscle in your body hoping to catch the eye of the D1 recruiter, and somehow your barrel was late.
Now the count is 2-1. You step out of the box baffled, and start assigning blame. If that parent hadn’t distracted you, if your parents hadn’t distracted you, if your coach hadn’t distracted you, if the recruiter hadn’t distracted you, then you would have crushed that pitch with the biggest longest swing you’ve ever taken! But there’s really no way to escape the reality of what just happened. You simply missed it.
Just own it, and move on.
Because that was just strike-one. It’s not over. You’re still ahead in the count. You have a choice to make at this point. You can take all that tension and frustration to the next level and swing even harder and more wildly at the next pitch, hoping it won’t be as embarrassing as the last cut you took in front of all those people. Or you can recover your composure, regain your focus, and trust your training.
Easier said than done, especially if you haven’t been trained how to do this.
Seems like a valuable skill to learn…
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