Important Announcement:
The DuraCatch+™ & DuraHit+™ Systems video analysis are fully functional in the OnForm app. This is a massive upgrade to our DuraCatch+™ & DuraHit+™ Training Systems. You can now record and upload videos through the OnForm app and receive our FBR Staff analysis and notes.
Please email us at if you have not received an email and you are a DuraCatch+™ or DuraHit+™ Member
Simply follow the directions below:
How to Use OnForm App for DuraCatch+™ & DuraHit+™ Members:
- Open the email from OnForm, follow the instructions, and Download the OnForm AppCode, which automatically links to Florida Baseball Ranch OnForm Master Account.
- Log In
- Film video for Analysis
- Upload Video to OnForm
- Label the Video and use the Chat feature to let the coach know any important information
- Share Video with Coach (essential)
- One (1) Video for Review per week
- Coach Analysis & Player Review on OnFrom
- Train using the DuraCatch+™ or DuraHit+™ Systems for a period of time
- Film Video for Analysis to monitor growth
- Repeat…
Process for DuraCatch+ Video Analysis:
- First Video: Stances and Setups
- Record Time: 1 minute or less
- Filming: Film using the OnForm App
- Analysis: FBR Staff will Analyze the video and upload it to OnForm
- Training: Use the DuraCatch+ video library to train based on FBR Staff Analysis
- Second Video: Blocking | Throwing | Footwork (choose one) and submit
Process for DuraHit+™ Video Analysis:
- First Video: Upload video of yourself hitting from the open-side and another from behind on a moving ball (front toss, bp, machine) In each video, please provide approximately 5 swings. If possible, please provide in game AB’s (up to 4) for further analysis.
- Record Time: 1 minute or less
- Filming: Film using the OnForm App
- Analysis: FBR Staff will Analyze the video and upload it to OnForm
- Training: Use the DuraHit+™ video library to train based on FBR Staff Analysis
- Second Video: Upload video of performing Training with recommend drills by FBR Staff in your DuraHit+ Evaluation to assure you are perfroming drills as intended in evaluation.
Special Note:
THANK YOU to our DuraCatch+ Members for your feedback on our events and video analysis process. This migration of video analysis would not have been possible without your input to create ease and efficiency in our approach to help each of your athletes reach their goals.
Win Every Pitch!
Yours in Baseball,
Eddy Rodriguez & Greg Brown
Co-Founders of FBR