BaseballDOJO MINDSET: Prorities

BLOG POST | August 26, 2024

By: Josh Paul



There is a box next to a pile of stones.  The stones are all different shapes and sizes, and the entire pile fits into the box, but just barely.  Your job is to place all the stones inside the box and close the lid.  How would you do this?

Would you just start tossing them into the box randomly, according to whatever stone is closest?  Would you fill the bottom with the little stones and put the big ones in at the end?  Would you just try to shovel them in there all at once, so you could get it over with?  You’ll find that the lid won’t fit for any of these choices, and you’ll have to sacrifice some stones just to close the box.

Sounds frustrating.

Every stone fits into the box, but each one has its own space.  If you start with the big stones and work your way down to the smaller ones, you’ll start finding unexpected spaces available into which they can fit.  This takes longer than shoveling them all in or just randomly tossing them into the box, but they all fit this way.  You don’t need to leave any stones out.  No sacrifice is needed.

So what?

Now that summer’s over, your pile of stones just got bigger (in no particular order): fall sports, girlfriend, hobbies, school, baseball, sleep, chill time, weight room, friends.  These stones all fit into your box, but it depends on how you fit them together.  Trying to just shovel them all in means some of them are going to get left out.  What are you willing to sacrifice?  Or, you can take stock of your stones, judge their size and importance, and place them into the box in the correct order.  There is enough space and time for all of them, so no sacrifice is necessary.  All it takes is a little planning.


Yeah, but boring works.  Take some time to think about how the important people and activities fit into your life.  Create the time and space necessary for each one.  Don’t make unnecessary sacrifices.  There is room for all of them.  A little planning goes a long way.

Sacrifice or plan?

What’s your priority?

Remember to follow us on all social media and check out our website for upcoming camps and 1:1 training with our coaches.

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