BLOG POST | December 9, 2024
By: Josh Paul
You’re grinding. You’re putting in the work every single day. You’re investing your time. You’re spilling a lot of sweat and even a little blood. You’re thinking about this all the time, and it feels like no matter how much effort you pour into it, you’re just not improving.
You’ve hit a plateau.
You feel the frustration building. You want to scream. You want to break things. You start to wonder, “Is all this work is even worth it? Will I ever get any better?”
Take a step back and take a look at what’s really going on before letting your emotions carry you away. We’ve been tricked into believing that improvement happens in a straight line; that if you do “A” then you will improve directly and immediately at rate “B.” Actually, improvement never happens this way. Never. In reality, we improve for a time, then we level off in a plateau for a long while before leaping upward again. This is normal, and definitely frustrating, if we don’t expect it. But there’s a simple way to ease the frustration: expect it.
The truth is, we do most of our learning and improve our skills during these plateaus. We may not see it right away, but under the surface our brains and bodies are adjusting and improving during these times, and building up for their next big leap upward. It’s coming, and your only job is to keep grinding until you’re ready to level-up. It will happen when you least expect it, and only because you just kept going.
So, relax.
Embrace (even enjoy) the struggle.
This is just what learning looks like.
Remember to follow us on all social media and check out our website for upcoming camps and 1:1 training with our coaches.