BaseballDOJO MINDSET: Perspective

BLOG POST | June 3, 2024

By: Josh Paul



You’re trying to get that college scholarship so you can earn the respect and admiration of your friends and classmates and the approval of your parents by maximizing your exit velocity and optimizing your launch angle by tapping into more ground force with bungee resistance training and measuring every ball you hit in the cage with HitTrax or increasing the spin rate and vertical movement of your fastball by throwing twenty-five pitches in your bullpen session but spending forty-five minutes staring at the iPad and dissecting every second of video from the Edgertronic camera clips but the quantitative feedback you’re receiving isn’t matching your coach’s expectations or the standard of excellence set by the Instagram baseball echo chamber and you begin to worry that the dreams you’ve built your entire system of self-worth upon may crumble entirely if you don’t get four hits or punch out twelve in your next outing.

Whoa.  That’s a lot.  Yeah.  I’ve been there.  It feels like the simple game we grew up loving gets shattered into a million separate over-analyzed thoughts that don’t seem to fit back together again into the whole.

But at the end of the day, whether it’s Little League or the Big Leagues, it’s a group of kids standing in a grass field trying to hit a ball of yarn with a stick and running around a collection of pillows spiked into the dirt.

Maybe a different perspective can help you reset your racing mind…

Remember to follow us on all social media and check out our website for upcoming camps and 1:1 training with our coaches.

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